
Přemysl Knap - About me

Knitting - Bobbin Lace - Emboidery

What I do

I design, make and teach hand knitting, bobbin lace and embroidery.

I place high importance on quality, precision, conscientiousness, reliability and customer and audience satisfaction.

Handicrafts are my lifelong focus and passion. I have become more professional in my skills, among others, with the study of the High Vocational Textile School in Brno, specializing in bobbin lace and embroidery.

I work closely as an external lecturer with the Educational Institute of Art Crafts (Prague), where I teach knitting to a wide range of studentst from beginners to expert level.

I constantly develop my knowledge and skills, among others, by participation in professional courses and seminars.

  • study of bobbin lace, needle lace and embroidery (the Educational Institute of Art Crafts - Prague)
  • study of Zubří embroidery (Zubří – CR)
  • participation (lecture and teaching) at the symposium of young lacemakers (Pavia – Italy)
  • study Chantilly de Bayeux laces (Bruges - Belgium)